In a less-noticed chapter of the standard work “The Art of War” by the Chinese philosopher Sunzi, written 2,500 years ago, the military strategy of audio ping pong is examined.
The combatants bombard each other with musical ideas that are as qualitatively original as possible until the first one, rendered unable to defend himself, stretches out on all fours, introduced by the traditional exclamation “It’s good, dude, now it’s time to mix!”
Inspired by the currently rampant worldwide corona virus epidemic, S. Davidov and J. Leudemann take up this time-honored martial art form and perfect it until the wires glow using lethal guest musicians such as E. Davidov and E. Zwang-Ericsson.
The single “Sentimental bot / Campari DDT” is a small appetizer for the upcoming shimmering monumental work “Sunsets for Pancakes” by Olgarithmus.
Stay tuned for the second sentence….
- Sentimental Bot
- Campari DDT